Our Cat Courses
We specialize in private 1-to-1 cat training where WE GO TO YOU!
WFA launched cat training in 2021, when we become ISFM certified in cat behaviour. Cats are complex creatures that are often misunderstood. WFA will help you learn how to understand the complexities of your adult or senior cat, or how to prepare your kitty for life.
WFA runs private classes, tailored 1-to-1 sessions where we go to your home and teach you how to train your cat and/or help you overcome behavioural concerns.
WFA offers 3 different courses that are tailored to you and your cat's needs. Payment plans are available for all courses.
Kitten Kindergarten
Do you want your kitten to grow up to be a confident cat? Well-socialized cats can even be more outgoing and adventurous than some dogs! Kittens need early positive exposures and experiences to help them cope with the stresses of daily life. With our training courses, Kitty Kindergarten Beginnger (3 lessons) and Kitty Kindergarten Advanced (6 lessons) your kitten and you will learn how to develop these coping skills and set your kitten up for successful start in life. Learn how to help to reduce potential behavioural problems as well as helping your kitten be more interactive and integrated with your family and lifestyle.
Throughout our training sessions your kitten and you will learn the following and more depending on you and your kitten’s needs:
Carrier desensitization and preparation for vet visits
Life skills training
calm play
Environmental and enrichment modification (scratching posts, litterbox management and more)
Cooperative care- nail trims, teeth brushing and cleaning paws
Leash and harness training
Introductions to other household members such as kids, dogs and other cats
A choice of 3 or 5 training courses
Each session is 60-90 minutes
Personalized training plan
ongoing support via email, text, Facebook or Instagram
A complete PDF booklet of your entire customized training plan
Graduation certificate at the end of the course
Kitty Kindergarten Beginners (3 lessons) for $375
Kitty Kindergarten Advanced (6 lessons) for $600
Online Options
Online Kitty Kindergarten Beginners (3 lessons) for $335
Online Kitty Kindergarten Advanced (6 lessons) for $550
Complex Cats
Do you have a lot of stress and tension between your cats at home? Does your cat destroy your furniture, meow and run non-stop at night, not use their litterbox or try to bite you when you trim their nails? These behavioural concerns can make living with your cat significantly stressful for you, your family and your cat. With our Complex Cat Starter (2 Lessons) or Complex Cat Guide (4 lessons) courses, you will learn that maybe your complex cat isn’t that complex- they just need a helping hand.
Throughout our training sessions your cat and you will learn the following and more depending on you and your cat’s needs:
Life skills training
DESTRUCTIVE behaviours
behaviour concerns such as jumping on counters, eating plants, loud meowing at night and more
reduce biting during play
Cooperative care- nail trims, teeth brushing and cleaning paws
Leash and harness training
Introductions to other household members such as kids, dogs and other cats
A choice of 2 or 4 training courses
Each session is 60-90 minutes
Personalized training plan
ongoing support via email, text, Facebook or Instagram
A complete PDF booklet of your entire customized training plan
Graduation certificate at the end of the course
Complex Cat Starter (2 lessons) for $250
Complex cat GUIDE (4 lessons) for $475
Online Options
Online Complex Cat Starter (2 Lessons) for $225
Online Complex Cat Guide (4 Lessons) for $425
Cat Consults
Do you, your kitten, and/or your cat need a helping hand or support to overcome one-time behavioural questions, concerns or just need a little support? Consults are 1 session to cover these issues and to give you the solutions you and your cat need.
Throughout our consult your cat and you will learn the following and more depending on you and your cat’s needs:
how to reduce multi-cat stresses
environmental and enrichment management
how to setup a home for a new kitten, adult cat or senior cat
How to help train your cat for a leash or harness
Cat behaviour
Desensitization and counterconditioning for a vet visit
1 session
Each session is 60-90 minutes
Personalized training plan
ongoing support via email, text, Facebook or Instagram
Personalized training notes
Cat Consult (1 lesson) $125
Online Option
Online Cat Consult (1 Lesson) $115
Our Process
Once you contact us, we will send you 3 forms:
What To Expect Form: a detailed PDF on our background, courses, prices, DO's and DON’Ts list
Cancellation Policy: a PDF that describes our cancellation policies
WFA cat School Application Form: fill in this form and send it back to us
Once we receive your Application Form, we will then discuss booking which desired course, dates, time, location and tailor your training plan to your dog’s needs. If you are 30 minutes away from us, we will charge you an extra $30, which will be discussed before booking. WE GO TO YOU to do 1-to-1 private training.
Where will we train? At your home, to help set you and your cat up for success.
All of our training focuses on deepening your bond and relationship with your cat or kitten through positive reinforcement force-free reward-based methods.
Contact us today to see how we can help you train your cat!